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Trial releases

Default language: English.
(many Japanese documents, however)


Small talk on origin of marine biogenic laminites. (lingua iaponica) PDF


DyauGwan_no DiSin: Palaeo-Earthquake in `DyauGwan period' PDF, info


Binary Package Collection induced from NetBSD pkgsrc, and other Useful Tools. HTML

To modify keymaps in MacOS X. HTML

Personal views of logical pairing keyboard layout or ISO 2530:1975 PDF, info

To change Boot Panel in MacOS X (Panzer, not Tiger) HTML

Replacement for Media Eject Key in MacOS X (Panzer) HTML

How to overcome over 128GB HDD on Mac G4 OS X (lingua iaponica)

Seismic Unix tips

GMT tips

Exmples of configuration files for XFee86 and Xorg

ASCII and control sequence

Simple Ikon files


Month names and abbr.

Frequent Misunderstanings and Questions on Stratigraphy (lingua iaponica) PDF, HTML

Colour Chart white, grey%50, grey%18

Punctuation in scientific articles in English (lingua iaponica)PDF,HTML[tentative]

Reflction? or Reflector? (lingua iaponica) HTML

Ca. is for time, not for distance. (lingua iaponica) HTML

Day's ``The Ten Commandments of Good Writing'' (TXT)

Evolution of growth ring (in Japanese)

Six rules for writing by G. Orwell (TXT)

Fallacies and Misjudgements (in Japanese)

Misc. Knowledges on Pedology for Geologists (lingua iaponica) PDF, HTML[tentative], info

Recommendation to Programme Python (in Japanese. PDF, HTML[tentative])

Ommitted chapters in Japanese translation of `The Art of Cross-examination by Francis L. Wellman' by Miyake and Inou in SeuWa 25.TXT

学名(ラテン語)のカナ表記についての試論(常陛假名遣/とこしへの假名遣 /版)
Short introduction to transcription from Latin Linnaean names to Kana scripts (in Japanese diachronic orthography)
PDF, info

書評:徳橋秀一編著「ご地層の話」(常陛假名遣/とこしへの假名遣 /版)
Review on the book entitled `goTiSou_no Hanasi'(storied on strata) by Sh. Tokuhashi (in Japanese diachronic orthography)
PDF, info

Transcription and Transliteration for Cyrillic characters(anglais) PDF, PDF(IPA), HTML[tentative], info

liste anglais de mots

Trivial notes on Euporean names (lingua iaponica). PDF, HTML[tentative]

Personal views to transliteration from Latin alphabets to Graek (lingua iaponica)PDF, HTML[tentative], info

Personal views to Japanese-to-Latin transliteration (lingua iaponica) PDF, HTML[tentative], info

Alphabet and Pronunciation(in Japanese) PDF only, info

Why writing textbooks is so important?(HTML Iaponica)

Personal view on folk Hepburn Romanisation System (lingua iaponica) PDF, HTML[tentative], info,

Japanese Name Order and Expression in Alphabeta Latina (lingua iaponica) PDF, HTML, info

Kana transcription of `Chaothic'

One or two dot(s) in char TUZI ? (lingua japonica)

KanZi transfer from JIS simplified to QingChao-type or traditional type

Traditional(truely) KanZi Glyphs
伝統的書写体の字形. HTML

Tokosihe_no Kanadukahi 常陛假名遣(とこしへのかなづかひ)
--the Name of Traditional Kana orthography

SKK pour Tokosihe_no Kanadukahi 常陛假名遣 (とこしへのかなづかひ)のためのSKK設定ファイル(dot files )

Constituzione del Giappone/Constitution du Japon

Difference between geologists and seismologists

Lemon Market and Distrust (in Japanese)

論語訛読記 Parastanding on RonGo(Lin2Yu3, Entretiens de Confucius) PDF, info

平成小学 | 平成小學 info

安岡章太郎「終末の言葉」再読( PDF, info )

LaTeX Tips. HTML

Memoranda from writers

Reviews of Latin-letterred Articles. HTML

Reviews of Latin-letterred Books. HTML

Reviews of Japanese Books (iaponica) HTML

「邪悪なものの鎮め方」(内田 樹著)抜き書き HTML

Decibel (in Japanese) PDF, HTML, info

Filter, Frequency (in Japanese) PDF, HTML, HTML

Scientists and Cleaverness (review on TERADA Torahiko, in Japanese)

Decision, vote and discussion (in Japanese) HTML

OkaYohi/sea-sickness after landing/landsickness? (lingua iaponica) HTML

Pax et Dignitas cordium (inner peace and dignity)

Critique "de facto" (in Japanese)

私の地質調査用具 HTML

Hammer and Geologist (in Japanese) print-friendly version(PDF), HTML

DOMINIA NVSTIO ILLVMEA or misreading of the Oxford University coat of arms.

BSD is neither Linux, nor part of Linux. ignorance or insensitiveness(lingua iaponica)

Kantigai(DISunderstanding) lingua iaponica

SenSei-ZyauSi (Despotic Boss) lingua iaponica

Metta-Sutta com alphabeto Greco

Uisge Beatha


Maxims in lingua iaponica

Dot files in BSD

QET: Quod erat transmittendum. = EOT: End of Transmission.