MacOS X(10.2, 10.3)でキーボード配列を変更する方法
To modify keymaps in MacOS X(10.2, 10.3 ; I don't know of 10.4)

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Apple Developer Connection, Document no. tn2056.

In Japanese


We occasionally face the problem of unfavourite keylayout that cannot be changed to favourite keylayout.

For instance, Old Mac fans, who have use the Mac until white Macintosh, habituate ASCII keylayout, because old Macintosh often has ASCII keyboard. Nowadays, however, new macintosh for Japanese has JIS keyboard. Old Mac fans may intend to use ASCII keyboard.

In other case, someone want to use US(ASCII) keyboard as JIS keylayout. Third-party of Mac keyboards provide only ASCII keyboard. New Macintosh users may intend to use JIS keyboard, because default new Macintosh keyboard is JIS.


In Mac OS X(>=10.2), Apple provides modifying keylayout methods(See reference). Who want to modify keylayout would get his keylayout, if he edits configuration file for keylayout and copies that file to ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/ and logout. This configuration file is made in XML. Therefore, it is easy to edit with XML editors or Text editors. The most of difficulty is to search key code each by each, or bother to type it

Most of cases in Japanese could belong to JIS=>ASCII or ASCII=>JIS. Now, I set here two keylayout configuration files; One offers to set ASCII keylayout, even if JIS keyboard are inserted; Second file offers to set JIS keylayout, even if ASCII keyboard are inserted.

US(ASCII) keyboard to JIS keylayout
JIS keyboard to US(ASCII) keylayout

Extra: Apple/GS Keyboard (ADB) to JIS keylayout by using the device convert ADB to USB (e.g. iMate)
My favourite layout
logical.icns (icon file)
it permits "SHIFT+0" as "/underscore/".

HHK ascii layout (by Wada Eiiti) for logical layout (Bs at right top)
logical4sun3.icns (icon file)
it permits "SHIFT+0" as "/underscore/".


Choose which you want and download. Move this file you chosen to your home directory's Library folders Keyboard Layouts folder. You can consult this figure.

If you use "Terminal", that is simple. If you type,

cp "chosen file" ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/

file translation will be completed.
Note that "chosen file" is xxx.keylayout and xxx.icns (if exists).

If you are an administrator to want that all accounts can use this.

sudo cp "chosen file" /Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/
Now, configuration is going to finish. To reflect your change, "Logout" and "Login". If you see like this figure, you already have succeeded.


Exactly, the term "ASCII keyboard layout" is incorrect, while many people misuse this term. Practically, this layout can be called US layout. Literally, this layout is seemed to be ANSI X3.154-1988 (not certain).
JIS layout is derived from JIS C 6233, which is based on ISO 2530-1975.


The files difining keyboard layout are written in XML. They are in quite simple strucures, simple table; variable=value

<key code="19" output="2" />

It means key code 19 outputs "2." Therefore, if you want shift+2 should outout @, go <keyMap index="1"> section (shift+key definition part), and edit the line key code 19, like <key code="19" output="@" />. For example, "&#xD" means hexadecimal D (decimal 13; return in ASCII). Like above, x1B is escape, 9 is horisontal tab, and other hexadecimal values have meaning in ASCII. Over xFF, you may consult UTF-8 sheet (Unicode). You can modify the values of keymap's output you want.

If you read the source, you can see what it works and how you can realise.

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