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Transcription and Transliteration for the Cyrillic
Taqumi TuZino ({\tencyr\cyracc Takumii0 TuZ1nov})

Cyrillic {\tencyr\cyracc a} {\tencyr\cyracc b} {\tencyr\cyracc v} {\tencyr\cyracc g} {\tencyr\cyracc d} {\tencyr\cyracc e} {\tencyr\cyracc e0} {\tencyr\cyracc z1} {\tencyr\cyracc z} {\tencyr\cyracc i} {\tencyr\cyracc i0} {\tencyr\cyracc k} {\tencyr\cyracc l} {\tencyr\cyracc m} {\tencyr\cyracc n} {\tencyr\cyracc o} {\tencyr\cyracc p} {\tencyr\cyracc r} {\tencyr\cyracc s} {\tencyr\cyracc t} {\tencyr\cyracc u} {\tencyr\cyracc f} {\tencyr\cyracc h} {\tencyr\cyracc c} {\tencyr\cyracc q} {\tencyr\cyracc x} {\tencyr\cyracc w} {\tencyr\cyracc p2} {\tencyr\cyracc y} {\tencyr\cyracc p1} {\tencyr\cyracc e1} {\tencyr\cyracc yu} {\tencyr\cyracc ya}
{\tencyr\cyracc A} {\tencyr\cyracc B} {\tencyr\cyracc V} {\tencyr\cyracc G} {\tencyr\cyracc D} {\tencyr\cyracc E} {\tencyr\cyracc E0} {\tencyr\cyracc Z1} {\tencyr\cyracc Z} {\tencyr\cyracc I} {\tencyr\cyracc I0} {\tencyr\cyracc K} {\tencyr\cyracc L} {\tencyr\cyracc M} {\tencyr\cyracc N} {\tencyr\cyracc O} {\tencyr\cyracc P} {\tencyr\cyracc R} {\tencyr\cyracc S} {\tencyr\cyracc T} {\tencyr\cyracc U} {\tencyr\cyracc F} {\tencyr\cyracc H} {\tencyr\cyracc C} {\tencyr\cyracc Q} {\tencyr\cyracc X} {\tencyr\cyracc W} {\tencyr\cyracc P2} {\tencyr\cyracc Y} {\tencyr\cyracc P1} {\tencyr\cyracc E1} {\tencyr\cyracc YU} {\tencyr\cyracc YA}
transcription [a] [b] [v] [g] [d] [je] [jo] [Z] [z] [i] [j] [k] [l] [m] [n] [o] [p] [r] [s] [t] [u] [f] [x] [ts] [tS] [S] [StSj] * [l] [$\mathrm{^j}$] [e] [ju] [ja]
UK a b v g d e/ye o/yo zh z i y k l m n o p r s t u f kh ts ch sh shch - y - e yu ya
Nederlander a b v g d e/je o/jo zj z i j k l m n o p r s t \oe f ch ts tsj sj \scalebox{0.9}[1]{sjtsj} - y - e j\oe ja
Deutsche a b v g d e/je o/jo sh z i j k l m n o p r s t u f ch tz tsch sch \scalebox{0.9}[1]{schtsch} - y - e ju ja
Français a b \scalebox{0.9}[1]{v/f/ff} g d e/é ë j z i/ï ï k l m n o p r s t ou f kh z tch ch \scalebox{0.9}[1]{chtch} - y/i - e you ia
ISO1995 a b v g d e ë \textrm{\v{z\/}}\kern.05em z i j k l m n o p r s t u f h c \textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em š \textrm{\^{s\/}} " y ' è û â
GOST1983 a b v g d e ë \textrm{\v{z\/}}\kern.05em z i j k l m n o p r s t u f h c \textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em š š\textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em " y ' è ju ja
ISO1968 a b v g d e ë \textrm{\v{z\/}}\kern.05em z i j k l m n o p r s t u f ch c \textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em š \textrm{\^{s\/}} " y ' \textrm{\.{e\/}} ju ja
Sci a b v g d e ë \textrm{\v{z\/}}\kern.05em z i j k l m n o p r s t u f ch c \textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em š š\textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em " y ' \textrm{\.{e\/}} ju ja
DIN a b v g d e ë \textrm{\v{z\/}}\kern.05em z i j k l m n o p r s t u f ch c \textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em š š\textrm{\v{c\/}}\kern.05em " y ' \textrm{\.{e\/}} ju ja
LC a b v g d e ë zh z i \textrm{\v{i\/}}\kern.15em k l m n o p r s t u f kh $\mathrm{\widehat{ts}}$ ch sh shch " y ' \textrm{\.{e\/}} $\mathrm{\widehat{iu}}$ $\mathrm{\widehat{ia}}$
BSI a b v g d e ë zh z i \textrm{\v{i\/}}\kern.15em k l m n o p r s t u f kh ts ch sh shch " y ' é yu ya
\scalebox{0.9}[1]{BGN/PCGN1947} a b v g d e/ye ë/yë zh z i y k l m n o p r s t u f kh ts ch sh shch " y ' e yu ya
\scalebox{0.9}[1]{GOST16876-71} a b v g d e o/jo zh z i jj(j) k l m n o p r s t u f kh c ch sh shh " y ' eh ju ja
TEX a b v g d e e0 z1 z i i0 k l m n o p r s t u f h c q x w p2 y p1 e1 yu ya

[BGN/PCGN1947] US Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use. [BSI] British Standard Institute (UK) [DIN] Deutsches Institut für Normung (Germany) [GOST] Gosudarstvennyj standart. State Committee for Standards of the USSR Council of Ministers. [LC] Library of Congress, American Library Association (USA) [ISO] International Organisation for Standardisation [Sci] Scientific Transliteration for Cyrillic by the International Scholarly System.
ISO1995 was adapted as GOST2002. GOST1983 was adapted as UN1987. ISI(Institute for Scientific Information, USA) is same as BSI. GOST1678-71 was adapted with minor modification(jj to j) as SEV1362-78.

The characters indicated by TEX's P1 and P2 are the `soft(palatalised)' and 'hard(non-palatalised *)' signs of consonants, respectively. There is no equivalent symbol in the Latin character. Thus their transcriptions are void.

We sometimes wonder for two possible transcriptions. It usually depends on the position in a word; the first transcription is in the case of the character is in the middle of on the end of the word, the second is for when the character is the first letter, or when it follows directly on a vowel.

About this document ...

Transcription and Transliteration for the Cyrillic

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Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

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The translation was initiated by tuzino on 2009-11-11

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