

preparation of intensity file

#! /bin/sh
grdgradient $grd  -A315 -Gtmp315.grad -V -Ne0.8
grdhisteq tmp315.grad -Gtmp315.hst -N -V
grdmath tmp315.hst 3  / = tmp315.hst3

GMT shell script

#! /bin/sh
gmtset PAPER_MEDIA a1+
gmtset BASEMAP_TYPE plain
gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 10

grdimage $grd \
-Jj195/1:100000000 \
-R90/300/-60/60 -Ba30f10 \
-C$cpt -Itmp315.hst3 -V -P -K \
> $output

psscale -C$cpt -D4.5i/-0.5i/9i/0.15ih -B2000 -O -V >> $output

CPT file

cptjapangeogra -- This colour palette is inspired with Asakura's Japan Geography.

-11000  132     42      150     -6000   53      63      171
-6000   53      63      171     -3000   89      178     203
-3000   89      178     203     -1000   124     192     221     
-1000   124     192     221     -200    176     215     239
-200    176     215     239      0      245     250     255
0       99      168     91      200     133     191     99
200     133     191     99      500     181     211     109
500     181     211     109     1000    234     237     121
1000    234     237     121     3000    228     74      75
3000    228     74      75      6000    167     123     84
6000    167     123     84      9000    127     131     92
B       0       0       0
F       255     255     255
N       128     128     128

cptg -- GMT globe colour palette

#       cpt file created by: makecpt -Cglobe -Z
-10000  153     0       255     -9500   153     0       255
-9500   153     0       255     -9000   153     0       255
-9000   153     0       255     -8500   153     0       255
-8500   136     17      255     -8000   136     17      255
-8000   119     34      255     -7500   119     34      255
-7500   102     51      255     -7000   102     51      255
-7000   85      68      255     -6500   85      68      255
-6500   68      85      255     -6000   68      85      255
-6000   51      102     255     -5500   51      102     255
-5500   34      119     255     -5000   34      119     255
-5000   17      136     255     -4500   17      136     255
-4500   0       153     255     -4000   0       153     255
-4000   27      164     255     -3500   27      164     255
-3500   54      175     255     -3000   54      175     255
-3000   81      186     255     -2500   81      186     255
-2500   108     197     255     -2000   108     197     255
-2000   134     208     255     -1500   134     208     255
-1500   161     219     255     -1000   161     219     255
-1000   188     230     255     -500    188     230     255
-500    215     241     255     -200    215     241     255
200    241     252     255     0       241     252     255
0       51      102     0       100     51      204     102
100     51      204     102     200     187     228     146
200     187     228     146     500     255     220     185
500     255     220     185     1000    243     202     137
1000    243     202     137     1500    230     184     88
1500    230     184     88      2000    217     166     39
2000    217     166     39      2500    168     154     31
2500    168     154     31      3000    164     144     25
3000    164     144     25      3500    162     134     19
3500    162     134     19      4000    159     123     13
4000    159     123     13      4500    156     113     7
4500    156     113     7       5000    153     102     0
5000    153     102     0       5500    162     89      89
5500    162     89      89      6000    178     118     118
6000    178     118     118     6500    183     147     147
6500    183     147     147     7000    194     176     176
7000    194     176     176     7500    204     204     204
7500    204     204     204     8000    229     229     229
8000    229     229     229     8500    242     242     242
8500    242     242     242     9000    255     255     255
B       0       0       0
F       255     255     255
N       128     128     128

Plan-view result


I used following grid data on above caliculated pictures.
These pictures are indebted to Drs. Tanimura and Uemura of Natural Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan.